Wednesday 7 March 2012

The Woman in Black

    For those of you who don't know what im talking about, the woman in black is a film starring Daniel Radcliffe ( Harry Potter to you and me). he is a loyar who has to go to a village for some reson, but that village isn't just your ordinary village, oh no its being haunted my a ghost! Its not a man under a white sheet though, as you can probaly guess from the title, its a woman, who wears black. Basically she wants to kill all the children... but im not going to tell you more than that just incase you want to go out and see it. But what i am going to tell you is that its probably the scariest film i have ever seen! I would recomend it to everyone. but if it didn't have Harry Potter in it, i think i would of found it 10x scarier!

1 comment:

  1. Think I might see it soon! Saw the advert, read your blog - sounds really good! :)
